

Why Do Dogs Eat Dirt

Have you ever caught your canine companion munching on dirt in the backyard and wondered, “Why do dogs eat dirt?” It’s a common behavior that

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Are Dogs’ Mouths Clean

As pet owners, we often hear conflicting opinions about the cleanliness of our canine companions’ mouths. Some believe that a dog’s mouth is cleaner than

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Liver Disease in Cats

Liver disease in cats is a significant health concern that can affect felines of all ages and breeds. At Woodland Animal Hospital in Locust Grove,

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Woodland Animal Hospital Thank you


We are Always Here For You COVID-19 Update, Plus Community and Woodland Staff (6/1/2020): First, we hope that everyone has remained safe and healthy during

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dog and cat in halloween decoration


Keep Your Pets Safe from These Six Common Halloween Dangers With Halloween right around the corner, trick-or-treating, costume parties and scary movie marathons are on all

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